This is really enjoyable stop motion!
This is really enjoyable stop motion!
This is RAD! Everything from the sound design to the animation itself is just so satisfying, wonderful job!
RIP Fortnite- As much as I love the game though I can't deny that this is hilarious- the way it starts flossing faster with tears in it's eyes is gold
This is beautiful- the lip sync on the free frog guy is hilarious
Coming back to this literally like a month later I adore the fact that you can hear everyone trying desperately not to laugh while doing their lines, it's so fun
Awesome job!! I love the way you drew Fred!
Why thank you : D I am happy you like the design ^ ^
One of the big challenges I had was trying to not make him look like the "The Batman" Joker design since it felt like I was bordering on it a lot initially xD
This is funny, it's a weird point to bring up but the nipples enhance the funnyness
haha i love drawing nipples
This is like- terrible but in a good way- the voices really sell it for me
I'm so glad to have been a part of this haha- it turned out so wonderfully!! One of the biggest things that surprises me is the way it was cut scene wise, it makes the scenes transition so well despite every scene looking totally different. I adore the different ideas and styles at play here, and all the different site gags that people used where so fun to look out for and pick up one. This is incredible, awesome job everyone!
This is really charming, I love the style of animation! I know it may be a weird thing to point out but I love how the stripes on the tail stay so consistant between frames, it's very satisfying to look at. I didn't even realize this was so old when I was watching it, I thought it was a brand new animation- I guess the ASDF reference should have hinted at that for me haha.
Yo I have no idea when I made this account how's it goin
Age 24
Joined on 1/7/18